
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Last Condom

The day started early, with a long ride to the beach, while craving for coffee and reading  “A Yellow Raft In Blue Water”, an amazing book she had found in the garbage room of the building where a guy she dated for a while, lived. This book was one of the great things she got out of that relationship. But this is a different story.
The day ended late after midnight, after she introduced him to Romanian good music and accidently saw his penis. It had been one long day, with sun and water and fun and flirting and a bit of foreplay. She was about to leave his house undecided when she saw it.  It was one very crush-worthy penis.  She never fell for a penis before. His brains, his looks, his gentle and romantic acts failed to convince her but that sneak  peek to his manhood had her decide  she would fuck that one, eventually. Citeşte restul articolului aici.

Poate îţi mai plac şi articolele mele de aici.

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